Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sleep Walking In Church

Sleep Walking In Church

Our parents had us boys in church as often as possible. We really didn’t complain much about it because most of our friends went to the same church.

Every Sunday morning would find the Sholar Family in their favorite pew listening to Brother Ken preach the sermon. That is most of us would be listening, little brother Jerry would be leaned up against mom asleep. This was not occasionally, this was every single service.

One Sunday morning as everyone stood and began to sing the benediction, Jerry stepped out in the isle and began to wobble towards the preacher. Yep that’s right, he was sleep walking in church. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an arm reached out and Jerry disappeared. A friend setting several pews in front of us seen what was happening and caught Jerry before he made his way all the way to the preacher.

He never stopped sleeping in church, but that was the last time he ever walked in his sleep down the isle.


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