Saturday, May 13, 2006

Cops & Robbers

Cops & Robbers
With Bubba Rankin

First, you have to know this before I tell this story.

When my brother Jerry was two-years-old, he fell underneath a car and was run over. It’s a miracle that he’s alive.

Now for my story.

When my dad moved his small family to Versailles, Kentucky, we moved on a farm where my dad was going to work. On this farm lived the owner of the farm, Robert Alexander and his family, Thomas Rankin with his son and daughter and now us. Thomas Rankin son bubba became our best friend. Bubba always had something cool with an engine. He started out with a motorcycle and then worked his way up.

Bubba had bought a small car. He came to our house one Sunday morning and picked us up to take us for a ride. Now a ride was supposed to be all we were going out for.

After some time had passed and we had not returned home, mom came out to look for us. When she topped the hill she could not believe what she saw.

The car was speeding across the field with bubba behind the wheel. I was hanging out the window with a toy machine gun firing away at Alan who was running on foot in front of the car and hiding behind tree’s with Jerry in the back seat hollering out orders.

Needless to say mom was a bit upset.

We were grounded from spending any time with Bubba for quite some time.


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